Information is not transformation

By Kim Deans

We can read all the books, listen to all the podcasts, attend all the courses and work with all the experts.  Yet we can still feel overwhelmed trying to figure out where to focus our time, energy and resources to reinvent our lives and businesses to produce the regenerative outcomes we know are possible. 

We have been educated to look outside of ourselves for the answers we seek.  The books I have read and the training I have done have made a huge impact on my life and who I am today.  The information gathered from these external resources has sown seeds in the form of ideas, perspectives and insights that have expanded the possibilities available to me.  Just as a seed germinates when the conditions are right, it is the same in the form of the ideas we sow when we gather information.  Whether these seeds of knowledge fall into fertile soil so they can grow into transformative change fuelled by new actions is determined by the conditions within our inner landscape.

Tim Gallwey in The Inner Game of Work explains how our personal and cultural habits interfere with our ability to learn and perform through this simple formula: Performance = Potential – Interference

Our potential includes our capabilities and our ability to learn.  We undermine the fulfillment or expression of our capabilities through the interference created by our self-limiting beliefs and subconscious programming.  There are many ways we run interference, one way is believing we don’t know enough and constantly searching outside of ourselves for more knowledge, skills or resources to make us feel more confident. 

Gathering information can increase our potential for doing things differently by exposing us to new ideas, perspectives and insights.  This potential can go unrealised if we fail to address the interference our self-limiting beliefs are running in the background and we find ourselves trying to solve our problems with the same thinking that created them. 

This is where life and business coaching comes in.  Coaching conversations nurture our inner landscape so that the seeds of potential within us can germinate and grow.  Removing internal barriers and accessing new perspectives so we can bring our vision to life in our lives, relationships and landscapes and BE the change we wish to see. 

“Coaches know that an oak tree already exists within an acorn. They have seen the one grow into the other, over time and under the right conditions, and are committed to providing those conditions to the best of their abilities. Successful coaches continually learn how best to “farm” the potential they are given to nurture.”  - Tim Gallwey

Working with a coach can empower you to gain clarity, confidence, effectiveness and improve your decision-making skills and to go from surviving to thriving.  Email Kim Deans to book a free 30 minute discovery call to see if coaching is a good fit for your situation. 


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